Summer Review
What a wonderful Summer we have had! Its been fabulous weather, encouraging lots of foreign visitors as well as home grown, to visit the barbican and our gallery.
‘Ringing The Changes’ exhibition 2014 continued well into July with some designers deciding to stay with us as they did so well! This exhibition is in its third year and success of it is building with each one. I am looking forward to visiting Goldsmiths Fair at the end of September to search for new talented jewellers for next years exhibition.

‘Ringing The Changes’ exhibitor Hannah Bedford – 18ct white Gold & Diamond
Hard to believe that it has been 8 years since we opened in June 2006, and we did it from signing the lease, to open doors in just 6 weeks from this:

Contemporary Craft Fair – Bovey Tracey
This fantastic local event always attracts some of the most talented jewellers – it is in my calendar every year.
This year we picked up a few new designers, one of our favourites being Tracey Falvey, a graduate from Plymouth College Of Art last year – her work is now in our gallery and being very well received.

Tracey Falvey – Silver, Oxidised silver, Spray Paint
New Designers Exhibition – business design centre, London
Visiting ND 2014 was really exciting – Always fascinating and inspiring to see the new graduates work. I was especially impressed with Edinburgh School of Art graduate Karen Donavon.

Ring – 18ct Yellow Gold, Red Gold, Titnium
Rosie French Exhibition
It was a pleasure to hold a private view evening for Cornish artist, Rosie French and her fabulous mixed media art work. Even better that we sold 3 paintings on the night and introduced a whole new audience to the gallery, some of which bought some lovely jewellery!
We love choosing vibrant artwork to bring the gallery to life, picking out flashes of colour in the jewellery, complimenting the work.

Rosie French – ‘Ebren’ – Acrylic, Oil, Copper Foil
The Barbican Blues & Jazz Festival

Great to have this popular event back – so many wonderful events happen here that inject life and soul into our historic harbour.
Summer 10 week courses came to an end an as always we were extremely impressed and proud with what the students made.

Wedding Workshops
Over the Summer we held a ‘Weekend Workshop’ and various ‘Make Your Own Wedding Rings’ courses – all producing fabulous pieces with no prior experience.

18ct Yellow & White Gold
IJL London
Having not been for a few years, finding it a bit ‘same old’ I loved it! It was refreshing with a new lease of life in its new home Olympia – what a difference a bit of natural light makes for both exhibitors and visitors!
Always good to see new collections from jewellers that we already have and gain a few new.

Gemma Scully – Silver & Yellow Gold
FINALLY – The Launch of this BRAND New Website!
All my staff and I have worked tirelessly over the Summer to get this finished. A special thank you to the website creators – Matrix Design – we love it! And assistant manager Maxine Walker, who came up with great ideas, injecting freshness and innovation to the site.
We still have lots of work to do – in fact it is never ending! We are confident that the business can grow through this new site and the online shop.
And we would be very grateful if you could recommend our site to others and encourage them to sign up to our monthly newsletter and get 10% off their first order as well as other offers.
Thank you for reading this and look out for the next post, hopefully weekly now!
Victoria X